Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pizza... or maybe not

So I never really though much of blogging... now that I have one I'm LOVIN IT!!!!! :) I was lovin' it so much that last night I was exploring on it and finding out all the cool stuff you can do with it, I had some free time, Ryder was sleeping and Addi went with Zach to run a quick errand while dinner (frozen pizza, if that is considered dinner or not I dont know:)) was cooking... anyway I was editing my page, looking at other peoples blogs for about 15-20 minutes, I dont know exactly, until I gasped and stood up, RAN to the kitchen, only to find a brown and black pizza!!! OH NO!!!!


Stephanie and Mark said...

I hope you have fun blogging!! :-)

Jody said...

Bummer! Time can get away from you when you are reading something. So, what did you eat?